Water Seal

“World best elastomeric polymer”

Castle water seal is an elastomeric, flexible single pack waterproofing membrane made out of 100% pure elastomeric polymers. Hair line cracks on walls and terrace can easily be filled by water seal. It’s smooth and sheen finish adds to the aesthetic look unlike other waterproofing products.

Product Details

Castle Tile Grouts fillers are used in the space between ad joining tiles laid either on the floor or walls. Traditionally, tiling is done by placing tiles close with white cement used to fill the tile joints instead of tile grout.


  • Water Seal applied on Exterior, Interior walls and on terrace, it gives excellent water proofing. Because of its off white basic colour, and It looks better than other commercially available water proofing products. Its bonding with any surface is so well that practically it is scrub resistant and cannot be removed by day to day use. Due to excellent opacity, Water seal eliminates paint or other coating completely. It is friendly to any other water based coat / paint, hence water based coating on top of Water seal is possible.
Features Description
Product Type Liquid
Packaging Available in 20Ltr, 5Ltr, and 1Ltr
Shelf Life 12 Months from the date of manufacturing
Storage Store in a dry place away from moisture


Advantages of Water Seal


  • Easy to maintain

  • Provides strength

  • Finest waterproofing properties

  • Excellent elastomeric properties

  • Strong barrier for water and moisture

  • Easy to apply (Apply by brush or spray)

  • Resistant to salty water, humidity and atmospheric changes


  • For R.C.C. & Cement surface:
    Surface Preparation: Water seal consists strong water based resin. Hence it is essential to clean surface with water. Make surface dust & grease free remove all previous coatings which may have loose bond with the surface.If required, scrub with wire brush or use scrapper to remove old flake, chips & dust. Use adequate quantity of water to clean the surface.


  • First Coat:
    On all smooth and prepared as above cement surface, apply water seal with water 1:1

  • Second Coat:
    Dilute water seal with 15-20% water & should be applied with an interval of 3 to 4 hours between successive coats.

How to
Prepare & Apply